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Deep Fresh Shower Gel -Aroma Therapy

Size: 330ml

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Brief Description

  • 100% Halal, Certificated
  • Improve sleep quality, Soothe and balance
  • Reduce stress, Energise and uplift
  • Treat headaches and migraines
  • Fight bacteria, virus, or fungus
  • Revive both mind and body
  • Maintain healthy joints and muscles
  • Boost immunity, Calm and relax




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This product is 100% Halal and certificate number is IQM-HL-1294. Aromatherapy is a holistic therapy that treats the mind, body and spirit. When essential oils are applied to the body during a massage, the essential oils enter the skin through thehair follicles where they are absorbed in to the blood stream and circulated around the body. People respond to the sense of smell on an emotional level more strongly than with any other sense. In fact, a single aroma can triggerforgotten memories and induce feelings similar to those experienced at thattime.This action involves a very complex process to do with the Limbic system; anarea of the brain associated with smell and memory. The olfactory nerves arelocated at the forefront of the brain and are responsible for sending signalsabout what we smell through to the Limbic System. This sensual information is then compared to that stored within the memory, and indeed the emotionalresponse that went with that particular smell. This reaction then triggers a variety of chemical actions within the body, including the release of specific chemicals that relaxes, calms, or stimulates both body and mind. Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy. It does not provide a cure for diseases, rashes or illnesses, but it can support conventional treatment of various conditions.

  • Experience with human exposure
  • Eye contact: No symptoms known or expected.
  • Skin contact: No symptoms known or expected.
  • Ingestion: No symptoms known or expected.
  • Inhalation: No symptoms known or expected.