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Amlaki Mosturizing Skin Cream


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No #4 Best Seller in Amlaki
  • It’s an effective way to slow down the signs of skin aging. Keeping your skin moisturized can keep it from developing pre-mature lines and wrinkles, and can help minimize the appearance of wrinkles that are already there. Science seems to back this up: A study published in the British Journal of Dermatology found that subjects who used moisturizer developed wrinkles much slower than those who had dry skin.
  • It gives you a smooth base for applying makeup. Don’t you just hate it when your base turns into a flaky mess? That’s because of the dry layer sitting on top of your skin. Moisturizing a few minutes pre-makeup application gives you a smoother surface to work with, resulting in a more flawless face.

Country of Origin: Bangladesh.

Prevent Dryness. Cold weather or hot weather, air conditioning or indoor heat; did you know that all of these environmental factors can suck the moisture right out of your skin? Slow The Signs of Aging ,Help Fight Acne, protection From The sun, Soothe sensitive Skin.

  • It’s an effective way to slow down the signs of skin aging. Keeping your skin moisturized can keep it from developing pre-mature lines and wrinkles, and can help minimize the appearance of wrinkles that are already there. Science seems to back this up: A study published in the British Journal of Dermatology found that subjects who used moisturizer developed wrinkles much slower than those who had dry skin.
  • It gives you a smooth base for applying makeup. Don’t you just hate it when your base turns into a flaky mess? That’s because of the dry layer sitting on top of your skin. Moisturizing a few minutes pre-makeup application gives you a smoother surface to work with, resulting in a more flawless face.

Country of Origin: Bangladesh.